Online resources like LinkedIn are valuable job-search tools that match skills to positions. Learn about 12 LinkedIn alternatives to find the right job.
Accounts payable are bills a company must pay. Learn about the accounts payable process and how to handle this crucial component of your business finances.
College professors enjoy mentoring and watching students progress; frustrations include low pay and high workloads. Learn more about what professors say.
Excellent professional references can help you stand out among job applicants. Learn how to ask for a professional reference and what to include.
Want to start a retail business but can't afford an expensive commercial storefront? Here are a few budget-friendly alternatives.
Working from home is becoming the new normal. How can companies keep up while still managing teams effectively?
Characteristics such as a capacity to network and other specific skills can help gauge entrepreneurial success. Learn traits that support or hinder it.
Bob’s Burgers is a popular TV series about a restaurateur and his family. It also offers lessons to real-life small business owners.
Money is important, but it isn’t everything. Studies show people who do what they love for a living are much happier.
These Michael Scott quotes from popular television series The Office may have come from a goofball manager, but they hold some leadership insight all the same.
Before you consider a franchise, ensure you understand how it differs from other business models. Learn franchising's benefits and how to open a franchise.
This guide explains the reasons you can fire an employee and offers tips from HR experts on how to do so correctly.
Etsy is an online marketplace where creators sell unique handmade and vintage items. Get inspired by strange Etsy shops that have found success.
Some personality types are better suited to a work-from-home arrangement. Learn traits compatible with remote work and how to build the necessary habits.
Improving your work environment can boost productivity and retention while minimizing absenteeism and stress. Learn six ways to improve your workplace.
Think your work computer is private? Here are seven ways your boss can track what you're doing.
When clients make outrageous demands and don't communicate, it may be time to fire them. Learn how to ditch nightmare clients tactfully.
There are always challenges when you start a new job. Follow these strategies to overcome them.
While tech workers often concentrate on hard skills, soft skills are crucial for success. Learn to develop soft skills like communication and empathy.
While some companies prefer internal hires, there are pros and cons to using an internal or external candidate pool for open positions.
Business travel apps help you track expenses, communicate with colleagues and find hotel rooms. Discover the best apps for business travelers
The reasons employees give for being late to work may not always be the truth. Here are some of the most common reasons employees are tardy.
This article includes the most up-to-date tax rules small business owners need to know for the current year.
Small business loans are a way to close cash flow gaps, pay for pricey equipment and grow the business. Here’s what to look for in one.
This guide offers tips to quickly grow your business and thus improve your ability to generate leads and make sales.
Body language and nonverbal cues can affect your job interview and how you're perceived. Learn tips for making a positive impression on hiring managers.
Choice words on power, success and leadership from presidents, CEOs and authors.
Selecting the right retirement plan for your employees can boost engagement and retention. Learn more about retirement plan options for small businesses.
Learn by example with these real-life social media marketing and management lessons from entrepreneurs.
Learn what small business experts say are the 20 biggest errors startups make and why new businesses fail.