B2C stands for business to consumer. In B2C transactions, businesses sell products or services directly to consumers. Learn how B2C businesses operate.
IFTTT is a free web service that lets you automate web-based tasks and boost productivity. Learn how to use IFTTT to connect devices and automate actions.
Many entrepreneurs were childhood mischief-makers who showed determination and willpower. Learn how entrepreneurs can channel risk-taking to find success.
Customer engagement is vital for building brand loyalty and driving repeat business. Learn tips and tools for improving your customer engagement strategy.
If you want to start a business, check out these 12 business ideas to inspire you in 2024 – and learn how to develop and implement a unique business idea.
Learn the steps to building a website that helps your company grow and get answers to frequently asked questions.
Outsourcing your IT department can offer your company many benefits, but you should consider the risks as well.
Hiring the wrong person can be costly, but just how much? This guide examines the potential costs of hiring the wrong candidate.
Shark Tank investor Robert Herjavec shares advice for entrepreneurs and recounts his success stories. Learn from Herjavec's experiences and example.
Want to start a business you can run from home? Check out these ideas for home-based businesses with great potential.
GoToAssist is a powerful solution for unattended computer access with unlimited live end-user support through one powerful platform.
ADP offers payroll services for businesses of all sizes. While the size of your business will determine the platform you use, each offers the same core payroll services, including the ability to run...
Skip tracing can help you find someone who is trying to avoid paying a debt owed to your business. Here’s what it is and when to employ it.
Experts share their advice, from the obvious to the unexpected. Plus, find the best medical billing software.
Small business forecasting is an important part of running a company, helping you plan ahead for your business’s finances.
It's important to know what to put in and what to leave out of a formal job offer. Here are some guidelines for crafting a detailed offer letter.
Inventory management software automates crucial tasks for a business and eliminates the potential for human error. Learn how to choose the right solution.
Rescinding a job offer is a sensitive issue with potential liability. Learn when you can and can't rescind a job offer, and how to inform the candidate.
For many businesses, marketing efforts must reach a local audience. Here are some local marketing strategies for small businesses.
Startup costs are a part of your budget that shouldn't be overlooked. Learn the most important startup costs, including legal, tech and marketing costs.
This guide breaks down some of the most popular video conferencing platforms, such as Zoom, Skype, and Microsoft Teams, so you can become a power user.
Can your business and in-house team handle marketing and PR alone? Learn how to decide whether to outsource these initiatives.
The FCC announced more than $1.2 billion for broadband through the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund in 2022. Here's what this means for rural businesses.
Follow these tips and expert advice to make your video meetings more productive.
Moving documents to a digital format boosts security, compliance and organization. Learn how to select the right document scanner for your business.
Creating a LinkedIn company page can help you get brand exposure, showcase products and recruit talent. Learn how to use LinkedIn for your business.
Shared business calendar apps should be easy to use, include cross-platform functionality, and offer collaboration features. Here are the best shared calendar apps.
Having a brand ambassador as part of your marketing campaign can boost brand awareness and drive sales. Learn how to find and utilize brand ambassadors.
A paperless office minimizes paper documents and can save your business time and space while producing less waste. Learn how to create a paperless office.
Moving a business is a complex decision and process, but it doesn't have to be painful. Learn about deciding to relocate and moving with minimal stress.