Protecting your business's network is crucial to operations. Learn tips for securing your computers, network, and mobile devices from hackers.
A compressed work schedule lets employees work a 40-hour week in fewer days than the usual five, possibly increasing productivity. Learn how it works.
A lien gives a lender the right to your property or assets if you fail to repay a loan. Learn how liens can help your business and how to get rid of them.
Learn what summer hours are, the different schedules you can choose from and how to create a policy that works for your business.
Follow these tips to connect better with your customers. Learn what they want from your brand by gathering feedback and using customized interactions.
See how the top AI assistants compare so you can find the right one for you.
Employees who are disrespectful toward co-workers may be unaware they're fostering a toxic workplace. Learn how to address disrespectful employee behavior.
This review examines GoTo Contact Center's cost, features and usability for small businesses.
Employees want more entrepreneurial experiences at work. Learn how employers can encourage an entrepreneurial spirit in their teams to boost engagement.
A per diem is a daily stipend an employer provides to cover employee expenses. A per diem employee works with a company on a daily basis at a set rate.
Your business bank should provide checking, credit cards and functions like payroll and fraud insurance. Learn about the services your bank should offer.
Diversity, equity and inclusion training can make your workplace more diverse and equal. Learn what DE&I programs entail and how to ensure they succeed.
Two-day Thanksgiving holidays have become a popular tool among employers to boost employee morale, improve productivity and fight burnout.
Are you considering hiring veterans for your small business? Here's what you should know.
Learn how to build a disaster recovery plan (DRP) and business continuity plan (BCP) for your company to survive a natural disaster or cyberattack.
Prepackaged software isn't always right for your business's unique needs. When this happens, consider custom software development.
New products and improvements to products are innovations. Learn the five innovation types and how to tap into innovation's power and potential.
Cloud hosting can provide your website hosting and storage without sole reliance on server equipment. Learn how it works and how it can help.
Software as a Service (SaaS) is a common software-delivery method utilizing the cloud. Learn what small businesses should know about SaaS for operations.
The Protolabs Cool Idea Award helps innovators develop their unique inventions. Get inspired and learn how anyone can turn a cool idea into a business.
Major companies are embracing clean energy. Learn who's on the 2022 Clean200 list and how you can follow their lead and financial patterns.
As a business grows, understanding the type of manager you want to be is crucial. Learn about management theories and how to implement a management style.
Industrial-organizational psychology uses psychological principles and research to solve work issues. Here's what employers need to know about it.
This guide describes how entrepreneurs can fund their businesses even while they manage their personal debts.
LinkedIn groups can be a great way to network with industry professionals and connect with potential customers. Here are the groups you should join.
Conducting random audits of your bookkeeper and finances can ensure your books are balanced and your bookkeeper is following proper protocol. Learn how.
As small businesses struggle to keep up with inflation, they are also feeling the pressure to find new employees. Read to learn how they’re finding balance.
With the popularity of free AI tools like ChatGPT, more businesses are adopting AI technology in their operations. But do AI tools pose a security risk?
To succeed in the music business, you need to understand finance, macro- and microeconomics, and data analytics. Here are some jobs that check these boxes.
Project management software can do wonders for your business's operations if you understand how to use it. See the top features and benefits.