Payroll liabilities are payroll expenses a business owes but has not paid. These liabilities can appear every time you run payroll.
Businesses use acquisition loans to acquire other businesses or strategic assets, such as equipment. Learn how they can help your company.
A sales funnel is a marketing term for the customer journey as they move toward purchasing. Learn about the sales funnel stages and how to build one.
CRM funnels are similar to sales funnels. Learn how to create a CRM funnel that works with CRM software to automatically track, engage and nurture leads.
Terminating a remote employee involves preparation, the actual termination and a post-firing follow-up. Learn what's involved in firing a remote employee.
National Days provide unique opportunities for businesses to embark on advertising campaigns. Learn about 50 days you can use in national advertising.
This article explains the importance of communicating well with your customers, as well as offers tips for how to improve your customer engagement.
When combined with a keyboard or a stylus, your iPad goes from a nice tablet to a powerful tool for business. Tablets are portable, affordable and easy to use.
The GDPR went into effect in 2018. Here’s how it is impacting businesses now and what you should know to keep your company in compliance.
Freelancers are responsible for figuring out their own tax obligations and when to pay. Learn how to pay taxes as a freelancer.
You can include up to five people in iPhone conference calls. To conference with more people and for special features, look into business phone systems.
Mental health billing differs from medical billing due to variables in mental healthcare not present in primary or specialty care. Learn what's involved.
A tax audit is a review of your reported data to ensure it is correct. Here is how a small business can avoid one and how to handle it when the IRS calls.
Employers must designate employees as exempt or nonexempt. Learn the differences between exempt and nonexempt workers and how to classify them correctly.
If your employees are regularly working past their 40 hours a week, you are liable to pay them overtime. Find out what that means for your business.
Gross pay is what employees earn before taxes, benefits and payroll deductions are withheld. The remaining amount is net pay. Learn how to calculate each.
Calculating gross wages is the first step to compensating employees properly and keeping accurate payroll records. Learn about the process with this guide.
Learn the differences between hourly and salaried employees – and how to determine which compensation model is right for your business.
Simple scents work best at getting customers to buy. Here’s how smells can make people want to spend money.
The State Unemployment Tax Act is a tax that states use to fund unemployment benefits. Determine your SUTA rate and employer obligations for paying SUTA.
Direct deposit paychecks are so common that employees often expect them. Here’s how to set up direct deposit for your business.
This guide explains how to borrow from your 401(k) and the key things to consider when doing so.
Credit card processing fees are necessary when your business accepts credit and debit cards. Learn about these costs and 5 ways to reduce processing fees.
Small businesses often use iPhones for credit card processing. Learn how to use your iPhone as a POS device and the best credit card processors for iPhone.
Hiring new talent is complex and involves various factors. Avoid these common mistakes that can cost you time and money.
Hard skills and soft skills are both important to an employee’s success with a company, so it’s important to evaluate a job candidate on both.
See our step-by-step guide for using PayPal to bill customers, and find out the cost for invoicing through the payment platform.
When circumstances entirely out of your control make SBA loan payments difficult, you may qualify for a payment pause known as a deferment.
Find out how wage issues combined with inflation can hurt both existing businesses and would-be entrepreneurs.
This guide explains the various organizational structures and will help you decide which works best for your business.