Starting a business as an immigrant can be challenging yet rewarding. Learn how to find the correct visa and discover the right information and resources.
C corporations are usually publicly traded companies owned by shareholders. Learn how they differ from other structures and how to start one.
This guide explains the importance of articles of incorporation and why new businesses must file them with the appropriate state agencies.
Many people dream of working for themselves. Learn about self-employed jobs that let you be your own boss and the top careers for the self-employed.
Selecting the correct business type can help your business succeed and flourish. Find out whether your company should be an LLC or an S corporation.
Learn how to embrace planet-friendly business practices while still doing great business.
The majority of small business loans require a personal guarantee from business owners. Learn how guarantees work, the risks and the requirements.
Learn how to turn your idea into a prototype, turn that prototype into a product, and bring that product to market.
Looking for an investment? These tips should help you survive the shark tank.
C2B businesses aim to generate value from their customer base, such as by crowdsourcing ideas or soliciting customer feedback. Learn how a C2B model works.
New businesses may be short on cash, but quality business relationships are a valuable resource. Learn business relationship types and how to nurture them.
If you're an entrepreneur selling creative wares online, Etsy is the obvious choice. But check out these 13 Etsy alternatives that may be right for you.
Read expert advice on whether you should continue college or drop out to start a business.
Not every business idea is a good one. Here's how to tell if your business idea is bad and act on it.
More Americans would like to own a business rather than fully retire, according to the Inside Small Business Survey.
Walmart brings advantages and disadvantages to local communities. Learn the true meaning of a Walmart economy and if Walmart is bad for America.
Franchising is a great opportunity for entrepreneurs who want a ready-made business to run. Check out these franchise options for a wide range of budgets.
There's a lot to love about entrepreneurship, but the sacrifices are considerable. Weigh the pros and cons of entrepreneurship before launching a business.
Entrepreneurs are not motivated by what you may think when starting their own businesses.
Most businesses with employees need a federal employer identification number. Here are the different ways you can apply for a FEIN.
There are franchises in almost every industry, so you have myriad options. Learn how to decide which franchise is right for you and how to get started.
Learn the challenges your tech startup may encounter so you can overcome them and achieve success.
P2P lending, where you borrow from individual investors, is a great option for many small businesses. If your credit is good, you can nab low rates.
Business News Daily spoke with finance experts to answer these nine FAQs about small business loans.
If you're opening a restaurant, this equipment checklist and finance guide can help you get started.
Debt and equity financing are very different ways to finance your new business. Here are pros and cons for each, and how to decide which is best for you.
A physical location can help your business find customers and grow sales. Follow these steps for a successful retail store opening.
To make your business idea a reality, you need a business plan. Check out these simple business plan templates to get started.
Veteran business loans are available to help former service members grow their businesses. Find out if you qualify.
From choosing the right location to investing in the right technology, here are 10 things you must do before you start a food truck.