Distractions like smartphones, social media and email disrupt work productivity. Learn to minimize distractions and boost workplace productivity.
Learn how your business can keep remote employees more connected by using strategies such as virtual get-togethers and nurturing personal relationships.
Employers can take an active role in eliminating workplace alienation by updating their team, encouraging employees, and helping set career goals.
The ELD mandate is a federal law that requires electronic logging devices be installed in commercial vehicles. Learn if it applies to your business.
This article explains why placing excessive stress on employees can ultimately damage your business's productivity and, in turn, its bottom line.
This guide describes the best practices for ensuring fleet health and complying with safety regulations at both the state and federal level.
Driver scorecards keep your fleet safe, fuel efficient and high performing while reducing wear and tear, accident expenses, and other costs.
Human capital management (HCM) can seem like a vague concept but, as a small business owner, it’s important to understand.
Time and attendance software reduces shift planning errors and lowers your labor costs – and it's often easy to use.
Businesses must sometimes transition an employee into a role better for their talents and temperament. Learn how to shift workers into new roles smoothly.
A termination policy establishes rules and procedures for letting employees go. Learn how to develop a termination policy and what it should include.
The new Department of Labor proposal can determine what classifies an independent contractor from an employee, impacting the current workforce.
Time clock rounding is legal if you round to certain fractions of an hour and don't unfairly diminish employee pay. Learn how time clock rounding works.
Employees whom you hire for cultural fit may last longer at your business, according to research. Here’s how — and why — to act on this information.
These five companies wish they could recall videos that made them look very bad. Watch these employee mishaps, and learn how to handle negative attention.
Sleeping at work can be good for business, even for remote workers. Here's how it enhances job performance.
Holiday bonuses can be a great way to show employees you care while boosting productivity and engagement. Learn more about how to give holiday bonuses.
Learn some surprising laws and regulations that apply to small businesses, with tips to keep your company compliant.
Business travel can improve the employee and customer experiences, but it can negatively impact your staff too. Learn how to strike the right balance.
Communication style is one of the biggest distinctions among employees from different generations. Here's how to bridge the gap in your organization.
Employers must manage employee jury duty leave. Familiarize yourself with the laws surrounding jury duty pay to ensure you meet your legal obligations.
Businesses with dog-friendly work policies offer an appealing job perk. Learn the pros and cons of pets at work and how to make your company dog-friendly.
Performance management software helps determine which employees are performing better than others so you can make informed staffing decisions.
While overtime may seem like a productivity booster, studies say otherwise. Learn how overtime affects productivity and how the U.S. compares globally.
Employees may steal time from your business, sometimes without realizing it. Learn how time theft occurs and how to enforce time and attendance policies.
Communicating layoffs to your team is challenging. Learn tips for delivering the news with empathy and professionalism and supporting laid-off employees.
When an outstanding worker quits, it can impact the entire organization. Here are the steps your business should take to keep productivity high.
Few employees want to work on Memorial Day and other holidays, but sometimes it's unavoidable. Learn how to make it a better workday for your team.
Looking to institute some cool job perks to keep your employees happy and productive? Consider these 16 benefits to offer your employees.
Holiday pay is the compensation workers receive for working (or not working) on a holiday. Learn how to create a holiday pay policy and the benefits of having one.