Here's what you need to know about mileage reimbursement to ensure you fulfill your legal obligations as an employer.
Vision statements can be challenging. Learn what a vision statement is, how it differs from a mission statement, and how to write a successful one.
If you're a small business owner with employees, you must pay into state unemployment insurance (SUI) and the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA).
Employees value a clear career path over all else.
The holidays can be a distracting time for the workplace. Learn how to create a positive atmosphere while keeping engagement high during the holidays.
Gamification is a newly popular tactic to promote employee loyalty and engagement by making work processes fun and rewarding.
Employees need clear communication to be fully engaged. Learn what comprises effective communication and how to improve communication with your team.
HR functions now comprise longtime HR roles and newer duties. Here's what you should know, whether you're outsourcing HR or hiring in-house.
The four types of payroll schedules are weekly, biweekly, semimonthly and monthly. Here's how to choose the best one for your business.
Studies show business ethics is linked to success for most businesses. How can you create a culture of ethics in your small business?
Learn how to become an effective leader and guide your team to success. See tips from experts and leadership mistakes to avoid.
If you fire an employee or change benefits providers, it is important to include a termination of benefits letter during the process. Here's how to write one and what to include.
You should clearly and simply let your employees know what you expect of them. Here is how you can set clear expectations for your employees.
Every business leader should work to improve their leadership skills. Aim for these 10 leadership goals – and learn how to put them into action.
Corporate social responsibility is imperative for businesses that want to appeal to modern consumers. Learn what it is and how to maintain it.
Email is more than omnipresent enough that etiquette has emerged around it. Here’s a guide to this etiquette.
Employers can use employee monitoring technology to track their team's locations and activities. Learn the laws surrounding monitoring in the workplace.
A founding entrepreneur's death can devastate a business. Learn why founders matter and how to ensure your family is cared for if the unthinkable happens.
Learn how to use a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis to make smarter business decisions.
Learn how to analyze the current and future competitive landscape of your company with a BCG matrix.
A good apology is an excellent workplace communication tool. Learn how to craft the perfect workplace apology and what types of apologies to avoid.
PayPal is an excellent model of corporate social responsibility and charitable giving. Get tips on socially responsible acts and why they're important.
As a business owner, you need to exercise critical thinking and teach this skill to your team. Learn how to develop and teach critical thinking skills.
Entrepreneurs must be aware of state and local regulations that affect their businesses. Learn about recent legislation that may affect your organization.
The blue ocean strategy encourages tweaking your products to push them into their own market with low prices and no competition. Learn its pros and cons.
Employee breaks can lead to greater productivity and reduce burnout. Learn how to encourage employee breaks and follow laws concerning break time.
Learn about Peter Drucker's management theory and how to apply it to your small business.
Self-running presentations work great at conferences and conventions. Here's how to set one up.
Find out what Summer Fridays are and how they can improve employee morale and productivity.
Find out how much time employees waste using their personal phones during the workday and how you can reduce such distractions.