This guide compares Square and PayPal, two top credit card processing services, to help small businesses choose the best payment provider for their needs.
Sleeping at work can be good for business, even for remote workers. Here's how it enhances job performance.
Holiday bonuses can be a great way to show employees you care while boosting productivity and engagement. Learn more about how to give holiday bonuses.
Spelling and grammar are still essential skills in the workplace. See how typos and other errors can affect your work, and learn tips on grammar.
Learn about third-party logistics and how outsourcing key e-commerce processes can improve a business's bottom line. Plus, see the best 3PL providers.
Learn how to use a noncompete agreement to protect your business. Without one, your trade secrets and your best employees may end up with competitors.
To compete for employees when the unemployment rate is low, focus on salary and hiring transparency, finding untapped talent, and offering the benefits that employees value most.
Hiring and retention are top challenges for small business owners. Learn why employees are leaving and how your business can recruit and retain candidates.
Loose cybersecurity standards could spell disaster for a small business. See the risks and get tips to protect your company.
Word-of-mouth referrals can be more effective than traditional advertising if you know how to encourage them. This guide explains how you can do it.
This guide describes the cyberattacks facing the healthcare industry, and includes tips on securing healthcare networks and connected medical devices.
Millions of people are exploring whether they can achieve financial independence and early retirement. Find out whether you should join them.
Regardless of your reasons, here are six different types of websites you should consider blocking on business devices.
Small businesses face many problems, like poor cash flow and bad leadership. Learn the issues that can sink a company and how to keep your business alive.
Good business credit helps your company grow faster. Learn how to build and maintain solid business credit.
Gender equality ideals have opened up leadership roles for women in the workplace. Learn how female leaders can continue closing the gender gap.
Understanding international business etiquette and customs is key to global success. Learn 17 international business customs to stay respectful.
Amazon Stores offers small and midsized businesses a platform for selling products directly through Amazon.
Find out what to look for in a call center service and why your business should use one.
Opening a private medical practice is a challenging process, but it can be easier if you break it down with this step-by-step guide.
Electronic medical records (EMRs) are digital patient records and charts while electronic health records (EHRs) include records and more information.
Social media has revolutionized marketing. Are your influencer campaigns successful?
Learn some surprising laws and regulations that apply to small businesses, with tips to keep your company compliant.
This guide explains tax identification numbers and how they work for businesses and individuals.
There are various methods for connecting your iPad or iPhone to monitors or TVs for presentations. Learn how screen mirroring and casting work.
Business travel can improve the employee and customer experiences, but it can negatively impact your staff too. Learn how to strike the right balance.
Crowdfunding is an alternative startup funding method where you get small donations from many people. Learn the benefits of crowdfunding and how to start.
Direct mail remains a highly effective marketing channel. Here's why and how you should use it.
Opening a franchise is a business opportunity with relatively low risk and high support. Learn about franchising costs, regulations and considerations.
Opening a franchise can be profitable, but it requires some work upfront. This guide explains everything you need to know before launching a franchise business.