Payroll accounting is the process by which businesses track expenses related to payroll. Learn more about it and how accounting software can help.
Paperless payroll systems are cost-effective, saving businesses time, effort and money. Learn how to get started with paperless payroll.
Interested in drone technology? Learn how to become a commercial drone pilot or put drones to good business use.
Patient check-in kiosks improve both the patient and provider experience from start to finish. Learn how in this guide.
Joseph Hennessey, Small Business Innovation Research Adviser, explains
Time and attendance systems do far more than track employees. Here's why – and how – to get one.
NFC mobile payments help businesses process payments quickly and easily. Learn more about this technology and how it can help your business.
Should you have a peer mentor at your job? Learn how peer mentoring can provide experience and motivation for both employees involved.
Electronic claims in medical billing are becoming the industry standard. Here's why that's the case and how you can make the switch.
Time and attendance software reduces shift planning errors and lowers your labor costs – and it's often easy to use.
Medical claims are documents that your practice must submit to payers for reimbursement. Learn how to create them here.
This guide introduces the concept of accounting standards and explains why they are important to businesses trying to better manage their finances.
Here is everything you need to know about Gmail's newest features for business needs.
Find out what video game testers do, how to become a game tester and what the salary range is.
Section 179 lets you deduct the cost of a business asset in the year you buy it or place it in service. Learn if it's the best choice for your business.
Some tax deductions may cause the IRS to flag your tax return while others could even land you in trouble. Learn what deductions you can and can't take.
Expense reports help you understand your business's financial activities, profit margins and cash flow. Learn about creating and using expense reports.
Printed paychecks are more common than you may think. To print paychecks manually, you'll need a paycheck and pay stub template or robust payroll software.
Payroll liabilities are payroll expenses a business owes but has not paid. These liabilities can appear every time you run payroll.
Businesses use acquisition loans to acquire other businesses or strategic assets, such as equipment. Learn how they can help your company.
Payroll is a crucial business operation. Learn how it works and how payroll software calculates and deducts state and federal taxes from employee wages.
You can select either a stand-alone time clock or a time and attendance system that includes time clock features. See our top recommendations.
A sales funnel is a marketing term for the customer journey as they move toward purchasing. Learn about the sales funnel stages and how to build one.
CRM funnels are similar to sales funnels. Learn how to create a CRM funnel that works with CRM software to automatically track, engage and nurture leads.
CRM software is an invaluable business tool. Learn the key terms and buzzwords involved to increase your understanding of customer relationship management.
Businesses must sometimes transition an employee into a role better for their talents and temperament. Learn how to shift workers into new roles smoothly.
Terminating a remote employee involves preparation, the actual termination and a post-firing follow-up. Learn what's involved in firing a remote employee.
A termination policy establishes rules and procedures for letting employees go. Learn how to develop a termination policy and what it should include.
A willingness to learn new skills is the trait executives say is most important to an employee's career success. See how to show your willingness to learn.
National Days provide unique opportunities for businesses to embark on advertising campaigns. Learn about 50 days you can use in national advertising.