If you’re a bit nervous about accepting credit cards, for reasons of complexity, security, or cost, we think Merchant One may be the right processor for you. The monthly fee is significantly lower than those of other processors, the platform has a variety of built-in security features that others don’t, nearly every applicant is approved, and we found it easy to set up and use even if you’re not the most tech-savvy.
We also found Merchant One to be more hands-on throughout the enrollment and setup process. When you’re picking a plan and your software, Merchant One will give you personalized recommendations, and its extensive positive reviews and A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau gave us confidence that it’s not going for the upsell. The customer service options are a bit more limited than those of their competitors – Merchant One does not have a live chat option or user forums – but that seems to be because of its dedication to customized phone or email support through dedicated agents.
Finally, if getting access to funds immediately is a priority, another option might be better for you. We were disappointed to learn through online reviews that, though Merchant One claims to offer next-day deposits, it’s not always able to honor this, and it often takes a few days for funds to be received.