If you find yourself spending a lot of time chasing down payments, be they board pledges, consulting revenue, membership fees or subgrants, FreshBooks may be the right choice for you. Created as invoicing software, it now has a full range of accounting functionality. However, invoicing is still where FreshBooks shines.
The Lite FreshBooks subscription, which costs $19 per month, should be enough for most organizations unless you have more than five staff members who need to use it. If you do opt for the Plus plan at $33 per month, you’ll have up to 50 users and, critically, you can differentiate their roles, so that contractors or program staff have limited access while finance staff and leadership have access to more sensitive information.
Although FreshBooks combines your invoicing and accounting, you’ll likely still want it to align with your payroll, credit card processing and other software. With more than 100 integrations built-in, Freshbooks is up to the task.